A Fading Light
Tyler Leak
words and photos by Flex Mathews
As life has drastically changed for all of us via this Pandemic. I took some time to catch up with friend and local drummer of Tyler Leak or @lefthand_leak on Instagram. We discussed a lot of things, but I was more interested about his thoughts pertaining to being a musician in this Covid-19 world that we are all living in at the moment. We hung out in front of Marvin's and Sotto's. Two places where Tyler played music at frequently as a professional before the shut down.
How many venues that you used to play at have permanently shut their door since the pandemic?
Tyler Leak: It’s at least five venues that shut now at this point. I didn't see that coming. I mean...none of us did.
Has the pandemic change the way you look at being a musician?
Tyler Leak: The pandemic has widen my range of musicianship technically and business wise.
Of all the venues that have shut their doors since the pandemic which one do you miss the most?
Tyler Leak: I miss them all.
I know the year is kind of just starting but have you played any gigs yet? Virtual or in front of people?
Tyler Leak: Yes I have played gigs. Not many, but some. I'm trying to get used to lack of people. Playing definitely feels different when there is no crowd there.
What are your feelings about Facebook live and all artistic movements that are happening on that platform? Instagram as well?
Tyler Leak: Social media is a great tool for branding and exposing yourself. A lot of people are taking advantage of it. It cool to see how people are using social these days. I think we all could learning from each other. Artist should share more knowledge with artist.
How have you been staying sharp since there are no more Jam sessions right now?
Tyler Leak: I’m always working or something. I have been making a lot of beats during this Pandemic. To be honest I have rather enjoyed the switch. I enjoy making beats a lot.
Do you think the pandemic shut down has force you to be more creative?
Tyler Leak: I think the shut down has illuminated creativity In a sense that being quarantine forced me to work on new things otherwise I would not be able to work on considering time and workload.